The 21 Best Ways to Earn Money Online in India from Home doing Genuine Work that Pays

By Aslam Saah
Table of Contents
If you want to know how to earn money online in India, this guide will teach the steps to gets started and make money online from home doing what you will enjoy. The best thing is that it’ easy to get started with very low to no investments. Ideal for students and anyone who wish to earn from the internet!
At SeekaHost we help thousands of people get online and do amazing work and of course, get paid to do something they enjoy.
How To Make Money Online in India?
Our CEO, Fernando Raymond has created many guides to help people get online and SeekaHost University helps thousands of students each year to learn vital digital marketing skills.
Today, the world is fast-moving, and many people are seeking for ways to earn online. The trendiest way is working from home online with a laptop and internet connection, which helps people to enjoy and fulfil their commitments due to the flexible nature of work.
Here, I share my thoughts and views on online business ideas, jobs and various ways to earn money online doing the right things effectively.
Everybody thinks that they can earn on the internet very easily, but it is not the same. If you are interested in working from home, then you should spend more time learning new technologies and be updated every single minute.
And most importantly have a good internet connection and a laptop. However, you can get started by working from a friends place or PC. There shouldn’t be anything stopping you fro starting.
If you like to become an entrepreneur, then whatever money you invest should be meaningful. So for that, you should know the strategy involved and work accordingly then only you can earn lots and lots within a short span of time.
Before you start online know this
Before you read the best ways to earn money online, you should know the pitfalls-other side of online job scams and beware of the fraudulence activities. After seeing the negative aspects also, if you are ready to work from home then here are the few best ways that you can choose.
There are tremendous ways to earn money online. But the thing is how smart you work? And how you Exhibit your Talent by “thinking Out of the box”. i.e. your work should be unique, which you help you a lot. One should always be updated.
Now if you are ready to work… here I mention some 21 different ways to make money online from your own convenience are listed below:
At the end of this guide, you will also get to see the link to the top 17 ways Fernando Raymond exposed how he and myself used to earn from the internet while working from home.
Best Ways to Earn Money Online in India
1. Online Learning Platform-Instructor
As mentioned earlier, there are various online courses available that help students and others to learn new technology updates from their own convenience.
If you have good stuff in a specific area then certainly you can create a course in free time in your way, with some of the creative and analytical skills that learners expect today. Once you created the course, carry on with your other work. These courses will help you earn in dollars, provided your course answers to the queries of the learner.
Some of the online platforms are,
Udemy, Coursera, Skillshare, Tutorials point, etc. The prerequisite to becoming an Instructor is,
- Software to present (like Keynote on Mac/PowerPoint/Windows)
- Screen Recording Software (Camtasia/Screen flow)
- Webcam (If HD more preferable)
- A Microphone.
The course era would allow you to learn something or find solutions for problems. If you are able to find solutions from scratch for the audience problems, then you could earn more. The basic thing is one should understand the key principle to promote your course in an effective way. So to find that search your audience requirement via Twitter, Instagram, etc. and become a successful instructor online.
2. Freelancing
Freelancer is a Self Employed individual who does not depend on single work or commit for long term employer. Instead, they work for several clients. There are plenty of Freelancing jobs available nowadays, in all sectors. Generally, we all have a mindset that Freelancing is U. S Phenomenon but that is not the case now. Freelancing is spreading all over the world now. One of the surveys says that around 56% of Freelancers earn nearly $20 -$59 per hour. It depends upon the area one is interested i.e,
- Content Writer on an average $58-$82 per blog post
- Web Designer on average $52-$90 per Hour
- Programmer $63-$180 per hour
- Online Tutoring $20-$28 per hour
- Marketing $46 -$52 per hour
- Social Media $20-$25
The above mentioned are approximate rates based on all surveys. But it depends on individual talent and dedication towards your work. Some of the advantages of Freelancing is “You are the boss, earn more money stay happier and healthier, Lower Taxes and Work-Life Balance”. As mentioned earlier there are also some disadvantages as discussed earlier like no job security, Inconsistent work, beware of scams, etc. The most important point here is you should be a “self-motivated person”.
3. Virtual Assistant
Virtual Assistance(VA) is an industry that is growing rapidly nowadays, and one of the recent reports has published that virtual assistance will be worth $7.9 billion dollars in the year 2024.
Anyone from India, who is interested in an online job and wants to make money online with prior Knowledge of SEO, then Virtual Assistant would help you a lot. You can earn an average of $10 to $20 per hour in industries like SEO, Content uploading, and Website promotion as VA.
One should not only have the motive of Earning money he should also think about the services that he/she can render to the reputed Industries. Some companies like Seekahost, Amazon, LinkedIn offers Virtual Assistant Jobs. If you are an SEO Analyst and good in
- Translating
- Coding skills
- Able to do Research for Projects and Websites
- Keyword Research Analysis
- Backlink Analysis for Websites
Then Obviously you can prefer Virtual Assistance in many top companies and Enhance your Skills and provide the best services.
4. E-Commerce
E-commerce is an electronic activity of buying or selling products online over the internet, with the Usage of some existing websites to sell or buy products. If you possess an offline sales shop, then why don’t you do the same online. You can become a seller in Amazon, Flipkart, and eBay which are all the best Sellers, where 1/4th of your profit would be taken by them as commission and the remaining you would gain as profit.
The minimum requirements to become a seller is,
- update your bank account details supporting KYC documents including address proof
- Setup basic account information like invoice address, customer service contact, etc.
- PAN Card (Personal PAN for the business type “Proprietorship” and Personal + Business PAN for business type as “Company”)
5. Blogging
To start your career as a blogger is one of the sustainable income sources. A Good Blogger will always project “Right content with Right Audience”. It is one of the best ways to make a tremendous amount of Passive income by blogging. If you are an expert on the blog then you can earn easily by selling things like mini E-Mail Courses, Training sessions, and E-books.
As a beginner, it might be somewhat difficult to choose the topic and create content but later on, if you understand the precise steps clearly then it would be the easiest way to earn money blogging.
As you make more mistakes in the beginning and know how to correct them, you would ultimately become an expert in blogging. Always “Mistakes makes a man Perfect”. And then you can learn the steps to how to start a blog and make money.
6. Digital Marketing/Affiliate Marketing
Digital Marketing can be said as Online marketing or web marketing. The business involves Digital channels like Search Engines, Social media, Email, and websites that connect to the customers.
Affiliate marketing is partnering with brands that offer a commission as a reward for your referral. Marketers or resellers generally act as middlemen between customers and products. As an affiliate marketer, you can earn commissions by referring to web traffic and sales through their own promotional efforts using a coded URL or web address to track each referral. Generally speaking, the bloggers can also be called as Affiliate marketers. It is similar to E-commerce.
7. Online Surveys and Searches
Paid Online surveys are ways to conduct market research. The best way to identify their target customers. Most top Branded companies use this strategy to understand their customers and improve their products based on customer opinions.
There is a number of websites available in the market that provides money to undergo online surveys, searches, and write a review on products. In order to get the credit, one has to even disclose many details including bank details. So, you should be very careful here in choosing the company websites because there would be many scam websites available as real websites. As mentioned earlier, there would be many scam activities in online jobs. so before taking on the survey, one should completely analyze the company details and then start working.
8. Translator
A translator is the one who translates the content in one language to another language. He/she should have a UG degree and the most important requirement is they should be fluent in English and at least known to one other language or more.
Typical Role of a Translator:
- Convert concepts in the source language to the target language
- Have a specific style and tone
- Read, Speak and write English Language and one more language
- Render Spoken Ideas Short, crisp and clear.
Sometimes the work schedule would be very high, which leads to full-time work at times to meet the deadlines. One should know to balance the work accordingly.
9. Online tutoring
If you have a great passion for teaching then, this would best suit you. There are many students in India and Abroad seeking for online tutors. Tutoring is all about dealing with the virtual classrooms where students from various locations will be available where you will teach your expert subjects at your convenience. Not only subject experts can become online tutor but also if you are talented in painting, drawing, crafts or whatever you want to teach others in an excellent manner. There are many online tutoring companies like Tutorvista,Tutor.com etc.,
Good Online Tutoring involves,
- Mobility and Access
- 24/7 tutor Access
- Online Assignments and Online Mock tests
- Appealing videos with subject matter
10. Web Designing
Web designing is one of the Digital Marketing services provided. Effective web designing is a must to communicate ideas effectively. For this, you should be familiar with designing tools like Coda2. Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, Heroku, etc., Nowadays everything has become digitized and in all areas like Educational Institutions, banking sector, Business, Social media all have a website to say in short about what they do and what features uniquely they possess.
It would be a great opportunity for you to become a Web designer where you could earn more in a short span of time.
11. Content Writing
In the current scenario, there is a “HUGE” demand for content writers. All the SEO Analysts and Marketers are looking for talented and smart Content writers who give extraordinary content consistently to their sites. They are ready to pay thousands per month for content writers. This situation is because the content is the one that creates more traffic from search engines like Google. There are still more sites like Seekahost, Fiverr, Upwork, etc. which only attract the paying clients and whereas you can also develop your writing skills as a freelancer.
One should spend more time in “Creating Quality Content” which would certainly enhance your skills and help you be updated with the current happenings. Always be updated with Social Media.
Some tips to become a successful content writer is,
- Should be unique and have Different Style.
- Create Snappy titles that attract all types of audiences.
- Learn about successful Content Writers and present your own skills accordingly
- Be in touch with various Freelance writers
- Every day spend time in writing (500-1000) words would lead to a drastic improvement in Content Writing.
- One becomes a successful content writer if he knows SEO, HTML, CSS, and WordPress. It would be an Added Advantage.
Remote Writing Jobs: 5 Strategies to get highest paying remote writing jobs
12. Social Media
Social media plays a vital role in all our day to day activities. It is being used as a platform to promote our ideas on products and services, promote crafts, promote affiliate products, etc. and earn money.
Building a successful YouTube channel is a challenging task now. In addition to chatting with friends and colleagues, social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are used to make money online very easily if you project your ideas in the right aspect. It needs a lot of plan, persistence, hard work and creativity to build a successful YouTube channel.
Now it is a competitive world we are surveying in so in order to compete with others in social media you should have a lot of potentials, spend more time and have more creativity in whatever aspect you perform.
Some of the ways to boost your social media and Earn effectively are,
- Be consistent
- Be competitive
- Interact more
- Usage of Hashtags
- Use effective videos
13. Paid to Click(PTC)
If you want to make a side or additional income online, then you can choose this. There are certain sites that pay for each and every click. But as discussed before you should be careful with the scam sites. It is completely free to join and you get paid for playing games or taking surveys, reading emails, viewing the Ads on a particular day. Many companies like Inbox Dollars, Get Paid, etc. Offer jobs based on PTC.
14. Data Entry
Data Entry includes various job occupations like Electronic Data Processor, typists, word processors, transcribers, coders, and clerks. If you have good typing skills, completed high school, and good in reading and writing English you can opt for this type of job. Here also there are some fraudulent activities taking over so one should be careful in choosing the right company and then work for it.
15. Share your views
You get paid for the view and review you share based on your opinion. It is similar to taking online surveys. You would make more researches on a specific topic or product and finally conclude with your opinion. Most of us always use our mobile phones 24/7 and search for something or know about something. Here is the best way to convert the same process to earn money. You can share your views on all the products that people use in their day to day life.
Many companies use these techniques for branding their products. When you share your views and if it is viewed by thousands of people then, of course, you will be paid for it. This is one of the best and easiest ways to earn money online if you were able to convey many thoughts and ideas as a single view.
16. SEO freelancer
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of the web traffic and make the websites rank at the top of the google search engine based on various google updated algorithms and various optimization techniques.
If you are interested in Learning SEO business Techniques and Strategies, then you can read complete details of SEO and implement the same and earn money efficiently. After knowing the complete SEO Techniques if you are interested in Working in real-time then certainly you can approach one of the Best SEO company Seekahost, that deals with domain Hosting, Google AdWords and other online hosting services are provided.
17. Amazon Web Services
AWS is a leading Marketing Technique in IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service). It is entirely based on Cloud Environment. If you are more interested, then you can Know about AWS here.
Following are some ways you can earn money from AWS
- Web Hosting: If Web hosting is done based on Cloud then definitely you will be able to earn more as AWS services are very cheap.
- Cloud Storage Service: Create a website and Provide People Cloud Storage.
- Learning complete details of AWS, you can make tutorials based on your understanding and upload on YouTube and monitor it regularly which would help you to earn money.
- If you have web development knowledge, then create something and deploy it on AWS service with AWS – EC2, VPC, S3, RDS, ROUTE53 service you can work as a freelancer and create infrastructure.
18. Travel Agent Holiday Trip
you may be surprised by how one can earn money as a Travel Agent? Usually, when we plan for a trip we approach an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service) or look on sites to plan accordingly.
They schedule the places and they book hotels and buses for us to have luxurious travelling. While doing this online, a portion amount that we pay as a package is given a commission for the travel agent. Depending on the booking type and agency the agent may also charge the traveller a separate consultation fee.
19. Transcriptionist
Transcription is the profession that involves typing the recorded audio files that are live audio files listened actively and convert the same into the text format of what they hear. This transcription job is mainly done in industries like medical, legal, and general transcription. Many companies are in need of dedicated and skilled workers as a transcriptionist.
The skills required are,
- Accuracy, Discretion, and confidentiality
- Ability to work quickly and efficiently
- Free from grammatical error
- Proper Punctuations should be used.
20. YouTube Videos
As I already mentioned about Sharing your views or Blogging and writing. If you are not comfortable with any of these but anyhow you wanted to present, your ideas then the best alternative way you can choose is using your camera to present a YouTube video. Initially, you will have to create a YouTube channel and just monitor it regularly once your video is viewed by 10,000 people then your channel gets approved and you can start earning from this point. But you have to remember that the topic or subject you choose should cover all types of people. Your subject can be anything like Cooking, Politics, Astrology, anything that attracts people more. Your video should be realistic and unique from others.
21. Digital Nomad
If one is interested in travelling worldwide and also make money online and enhance their technical skills, then this would be the best way to enjoy travelling and earn the same. In one of my article, I had explained what is a digital nomad? and its Advantages and disadvantages.
So now you know the best 21 ways you can start online, however you may be curious to know who are the top online money makers from India.
We have we complied the top 10 people who are making good money with the work they do via the internet.
Most of them started with a blog and that has to lead them towards financial freedom and location independent lifestyle.
Top 10 Internet Money Earners in India
Let us take a look at some of the highest money earners, making big bucks online in India:
1. Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal is the top Adsense earner from India. His monthly Adsense income is estimated to be around $25,000. And on top of that, he also indulges in affiliate marketing. Which means his total earnings from his blog are much more than that.
Agarwal is a Computer Science Engineer from IIT. And easily one of the most popular Indian bloggers. When he left his job in 2004, the blogging landscape was not as it is today. But with his sheer will, constant efforts, and the correct use of Adsense and affiliate marketing, he became the first professional blogger in India.
His blog www.labnol.org features how-to guides about consumer software and mobile applications.
2. Harsh Agarwal
If you are even remotely active in the Indian blogging circuits, you would know who Harsh Agarwal is. With his blog www.shoutmeloud.com, Harsh has turned his secret of success into a perpetual money-making business.
His blog helps passionate individuals learn about professional blogging, SEO, and WordPress. It is also as if he found a key and turned it in at the right time to hit the jackpot. His blogging platform aims to help other aspiring bloggers. And it brings in an Adsense income of around $15,000 to $18,000. (Figure includes total Adsense earning, including other blogs that he owns.) Plus, there would be a sizable affiliate marketing income too.
3. Pankaj Agarwal
Pankaj Agarwal is the co-owner of www.clickindia.com. It is a popular website with huge traffic. It is the perfect place to search, buy, sell, exchange, and interact with people from across India.
Pankaj’s income from this one website is somewhere between $13,000 to $16,000 per month. This is just the Adsense revenue. Add the income from affiliate marketing and other sources and the total gets much higher.
This is the perfect example of a bang on idea being capitalized on time. Mastermind Pankaj is an inspiration for many for having achieved such a feat.
4. Varun Krishnan
Have you searched for mobiles or other gadgets online? Chances are you would have come across http://www.fonearena.com. The man behind this very popular mobile and gadget information platform is Varun Krishnan.
A mobile phone and gadget fan himself, Varun is an ideal example of turning passion into profession. The blog started in March 2005 as an attempt to share the love for all things tech. It has now become a money-making enterprise. With an Adsense income alone of $10,000 to $12,000 per month, Varun is an online sensation for all the right reasons.
5. Arun Prabhudesai
What do you get when you add interest in entrepreneurship, Indian start-ups, and business trends together? Ask Arun Prabhudesai and he will tell you it all creates a money mine. Arun is an IT professional with decades of experience in the field. When he started www.trak.in, it was a single author blog.
And today it is a multi-author platform, with columns of industry experts. It is a platform where information is shared and many dollars worth of money is made every day. He makes around $8,000 – $10,000 each month with Adsense. Take a look at the popularity and ranking of his information portal. And it would easily tell you how much his earnings from affiliate marketing would be.
6. Kulwant Nagi
If there is someone who knows affiliate marketing inside out, then it is, of course, Kulwant Negi. He is a blogger. He holds a diploma in Electronics and Communication from Haryana. And this man sells the roadmap to success for a living.
If you don’t believe us, take a look at https://www.bloggingcage.com/. It is a one-stop destination for bloggers looking for ways to make money online. Especially with affiliate marketing. Kulwant’s blog offers inspiring insights and a tried and tested way of being successful.
His excellent use of Adsense and affiliate marketing have helped him earn $500,000+ with blogging so far. (As mentioned on his blog) His monthly income from Adsense alone is somewhat around $6,000 – $8,000.
7. Raju PP
A one-stop portal for tech enthusiasts by a tech enthusiast himself http://techpp.com is a gift to the world. Everything that you want to know about the latest tech trends and gadgets can be found here. And Raju PP, the man behind this blog, has been listed among the Top Web Entrepreneurs by Economic Times.
And rightly enough. He makes around $4,000 – $6,000 each month with this one tech portal’s Adsense account. He started all along in 2009, by quitting his day job and taking the big plunge. And now, he has a team of like-minded techies. He offers an information and discussion portal to techno-geeks. In return, he takes home hefty paychecks from affiliate marketing and Adsense.
A truly genius way of earning from your interest areas.
8. Ashish Sinha
Ashish Sinha is the brain behind https://nextbigwhat.com/. And this is an incubation ground for potentially world-revolutionizing startup ideas. Ashish handles work for tech biggies like Yahoo, i2 Technologies, and IBM as well.
But, all his other sources of income apart, he earns around $5,000 as Adsense revenue from NextBigWhat. Now, that is a big number given that the competition is tough in this arena.
Ashish Sinha has a prolific ability to hit the right spot at the right time. He capitalized on opportunities with long term gain potential. And this has brought him where he is today!
9. Srinivas Tamada
Srinivas Tamada is a hero and guides for all web developers out there. Those who are trying to make a living with web design and development have a lot to thank Srinivas for.
His tech blog https://www.9lessons.info/ is among the most popular programming blogs. With tutorials about web development, Srinivas Tamada makes around $5,000 every month. This is just his Adsense revenue. A commendable achievement. And a stellar show of how to make money with just your passion and the Internet.
10. Rohit Langde
Rohit Langde is a Mechanical Engineering Graduate from Nagpur. He is an avid blogger with a keen interest in Windows troubleshooting. He started small in 2008 with a Blogspot account and now that has become www.blogsolute.com.
And this simple blogging journey has now reached a point where Rohit takes home around $3,000 to $4,000 each month from Adsense revenue. He also forays into the Internet marketing arena. Which is expected to bring him more dollars to take home.
Rohit has been an inspiration for many. He is a true depiction of how humble beginnings reach heights.
Now, you know how much money you can make by mastering the art of affiliate marketing and Google Adsense. And it’s time you set sail too. Find an idea, and capitalize it at the right time, with the right tools and earn big bucks!
To conclude earning money online
I hope you had a complete idea of what are the various opportunities available in India and the efficient ways to make money online. The only thing required is you should be ready to work based on your interest and passion and become a successful entrepreneur in the coming days.
We have written many guides on how to become a digital nomad and travel the world doing what you enjoy.
What is the best way to earn online?
Make Money Blogging
Starting a blog is one of the first things you can do when going about starting your online career. In our past articles written by Fernando, we have highlighted how to start a blog in India that can give you the soft skills to earn via the internet.
Blogging is one of the best ways as it gives you the platform to get online and share your story, services and eventually build a brand online.
You can read about the top blogger in India to get some inspiration.
If you are into fashion, you can become one of the best fashion bloggers.
If you have any questions about how to earn money online India or want advice, contact us via email or directly email to fernando@seekahost (dot) co, and Fernando or our staff will answer any questions you have about getting started.
You can reach out to me via email or live chat support on this site and I or one of my colleagues will answer your questions.
I’ve been working online and mostly form home and currently earn via the power of the internet. My life has been a great journey since I learned the online skills to work from anywhere as long as I have internet connection and laptop.
You can so it as well and create an amazing work-life while earning from the internet and getting paid via PayPal or Payoneer. There are many other ways to get paid if you are working online say remotely for an overseas company.
How to get paid online?
Get paid to your bank account in India via PayPal, TranferWise or Payoneer. Or directly to the bank account.
If you are earning from Google AdSense, then get your bank account connected to the Google AdSense account and get verified.
In the coming days, I will add more ways you can earn, but as I mentioned, Blogging is the best way to get started online.
Learn to earn online
At SeekaHost we help you all the way from domain names, web hosting and training at SeekaHost Unievritsy with free courses. Take action and start the journey today. We are also encouraging students in India to make money online and get started as soon as possible.
You can read the below guide to advance your knowledge.