The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Digital Marketing

By Ryan Bradman
Technology has constantly grown in recent years, and the advancements are only going to keep progressing in the near future. Decades ago, automation was just a concept, and today it is a reality and has taken over every aspect – be it business, aeronautics, engineering, computers, etc.
The concept is loved by one and all and everyone wishes to have the best of technology in their homes, communication, and the like. This has changed the way businesses and marketers think and have changed the functioning of businesses as well.
Out of the innumerable futuristic trends, there are a handful that has a greater application in different fields, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR). However, what impacts digital marketing the most is artificial intelligence or AI.
It has become a topic of interest and constant discussion and with the kind of advancements taking place in this area, it will continue to be the hot trending topic.
There are many organizations that have already included AI in their business and this has had a positive impact on their revenue. In case businesses wish to make use of AI, then it is the ideal time to do so and merge it into the marketing strategy.
What is the meaning of Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence can be defined in simple terms as an imitation of human knowledge with the help of machines. This means that the AI tools can execute cognitive roles like problem-solving. A very simple example of where this technology is used is in the game of chess.
However, what is important is whether this technology is useful in the business world? Is it beneficial to industries? Or is this just another hype? Yes, indeed, AI is very beneficial to industries all over the world in many ways.
Ways Artificial Intelligence Influences Digital Marketing
1. Customized Experience
Every customer loves customization, be it gifts, messages, or offers. Every business aims to delight its customers and giving them exactly what they desire. For this purpose, it is vital to get lots of consumer data and also invest in AI technology. AI is used to understand the behavior pattern of customers and this helps companies personalize their products as required.
2. A Real-Time Response
Using Artificial Intelligence in businesses helps retain the customer base. The customers opt for those services or products that solve their issues easily and swiftly. For instance, AI Chatbots – this enables the user to get a quick response and solution.
There are some chatbots that are equipped with sensory abilities like touch or voice. This is quite appealing to customers as it gives them almost real experience and they do not feel that they are conversing with a machine. These chatbots are available 24/7 most of the times and this can enhance the rate of customer satisfaction too.
3. Customer Behaviour Prediction
Artificial Intelligence not just customizes the experience for customers, it also can predict the behavior of existing as well as new customers. By using data management platforms (DMP) Artificial Intelligence can get user information from throughout the internet. It is not limited to just a session on your website. This will help the business personalize their services as per the needs of the customers and help the business target the potential customers and develop marketing strategies that are more efficient and effective. The process of collection, assessing, evaluation and interpretation of information by AI is constant progress and with time, the accuracy in this area will help a business forecast their sales as well as ROI and succeed in their ventures.
4. Improving the ROI
Artificial Intelligence helps in improving the ROI because of its capability of high-level image recognition. This, in turn, enhances the revenue of the company. It also assists in solving a lot of problems related to security and ensures the payments are quicker. The machine learning approach is utilized to understand the behavior pattern of a user, based on which a personalized campaign is created for the target. AI drives business with data and this helps the business personalize their products and services. It also helps the business a lot of time and money that would have been spent on customers who are not interested.
5. Enhance the Search Sessions
Technology has advanced to levels where it has had a positive impact on users as well – they are smarter! Users conduct a search for many tools or applications wherein they can get good quality products and services. This has created the need for businesses to make use of AI in their strategies. AI can be used to understand the behavior pattern of customers. These days Voice search is a must in their AI tools.
6. Advertising
Advertising is quite an important tool that is used by businesses when it comes to promoting their products and services online or offline. This is one aspect that needs to be given the importance as it can be used to minimize most of the manual tedious activities. The customer’s data is quite helpful especially in giving customized advertisements. The AI tool evaluates all the data of customers and predicts their area of interest. This becomes the base on which a business can design their advertisements and easily match the preferences of their potential customers. This gives businesses an edge over their rivals in the market.
We must understand that the inclusion of Artificial Intelligence in any business does not mean that humans are no longer needed in the processes. AI is a technology that just simplifies many tedious and complicated processes and this, in turn, saves the business a lot of money and most importantly, time.
Tools that are powered by AI are quite reliable and accurate and one can easily depend on them for a quick solution. It helps a business put a plan into development quickly and easily.
AI has a lot of potential these days in digital marketing. It connects businesses with potential customers. It helps a business understand its customers, both existing as well as new customers, really well. This helps business design products and services that cater to the requirements of their customers.
With time, AI will continue to evolve and grow and businesses have to match the pace of growth of AI in order to be at par with their competitors. Artificial Intelligence is one such area that will never go out of trend and its constant growth will be quite beneficial to both businesses as well as customers.
By: Jitendra Vaswani