Blogging Tips for Beginners to Start A Blog & Earn Online
Table of Contents
Are a newbie looking to start a blog and seeking more information about blogging? – then let me explain to you all that you need to know about blogging tips for beginners.
What is Blogging
We are always seeking opportunities to make a little cash on the side. One of these ventures is blogging.
With over 150 million blogs on the world web, its no wonder that there is an audience for bloggers to carve their niche and there are users/readers who are willing to read what you write.
Blogging involves writing about a topic, then publishing it for the public to read I online.
The advantage of blogging is that it can be done when you have the time, and it is practically cost-free.
With only a laptop or mobile phone and internet connection, you’re good to start writing blog posts.
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Advantages of blogging include:
Make money doing what you love
With blogging, you get to make money writing about what you’re passionate about. The topics can vary from your interests, hobbies, family, travels, fashion, and more. Whatever you’re interested in, you can write about it and share it with your audience while making some cash in the process.
It’s easy to start and maintain
Blogging is one of the easiest things to start that doesn’t require a lot of capital or coding skills. Most platforms are easy to use, and you can set it up within minutes and start to blog immediately.
Manage your hours
Blogging is something you can do during your spare time, and you can write/blog as often as you like. There is no time limit, and you have the freedom to blog when inspiration strikes.
Freedom to express yourself
Blogging gives you full control over what you write. There are very few limits to what you can write (read the platforms privacy policy to prevent getting banned).
You can grow your career
Most bloggers who are famous now started small and built their readership over months and some over the years to become household names. This means anyone with passion can also grow, and you can make more money the more you keep at it.
It gives you a voice
Getting into the tv or radio these days isn’t easy. However, with the right software and tools, sharing what you write with the world is just a few clicks away. Blogs allow you to share your world with others, anytime, anywhere.
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Here’s how to start a blog
Choose a suitable name for your blog
Start off choosing a name for your blog. It needs to be unique, so be sure to have at least five names you like in the event someone else has the same name. Choose a name based on your interests; do you want to blog about anime, cooking, fashion, or travelling? Whatever you are interested in, you can come up with a name that describes what your blog is about. And then register your domain name for the blog.
Choose a platform
This is an integral part of the process. Find out which platforms are available and the advantages of each before making a choice. Consider one that is easy to use and gives you added features like an online store considering that your blog might grow over time, and people would like to make purchases online in the future. Once you select a platform, you can go online, open a new account, and customize it to suit your preference. Ideally, start a blog on WordPress as that’s so easy.
Customize your blog
Once you have signed in, the next step is to choose a theme that works for you. With a few clicks, you can choose the layout of your home page and select the one that goes well with the blog theme. With so many designs to choose from; from new age to bohemian to rustic, there is something for everyone. The added advantage is that most blogs allow you to change the theme of a blog within seconds, so don’t fret too much about choosing the ‘right’ theme initially.
Write and edit your blog
This is the part where you are meant to write, edit, and publish your blog. When you open a new blog, you can save it as a draft then get back to it when you want. Be sure to be creative and unique; once you figure out your tone and style, it will be easier for readers to identify your style, and they will keep coming back for more. Once you are through writing, proofread your blog. There are many editing tools available to help you edit your work and make it user ready. Once you’re through editing it, you can then publish it. This means making it available for uses to read online. Read how to write a perfect blog post by Neil Franklin.
With the millions of blogs out there, it will be difficult for someone to discover your blog, and this is where marketing comes in. Use your social media accounts to share the link and even send it to friends and family to read and ask them to give their comments. This way, you’ll start seeing more traction on the blog. The more you share, the more people visit your blog and read what you have posted.
With these tips, you are well on your way to starting and running your own blog.
Read more details about how to start a blog and earn money online blogging.