Things to be Taken Care While Changing the Web Hosting Provider
Individuals or company nowadays trending to change to new web hosting service company. I think the reason behind changing is storage space or bandwidth or lack of customer service or there might be some other lacking in the system.
Keep your web hosting account with your existing host open
I recommend you that keep your existing web hosting account active until all your transitions gets over like emailing, transferring records, DNS modification etc.,So that data lost can be avoided
Choose a suitable new web hosting provider
Type of OS(Windows or Linux): The type of OS is based on the requirement of the site. If your site requires some windows technologies, it is advisable to use Windows platform for designing your site.
Bandwidth and disk space requirements
You should make copy of the existing file and download all existing files. The download and upload should be in tree structure. What file you download first, should be uploaded first. This is mainly accomplished by FTP. Some of the web hosting services will not offer FTP services, In this case you will not be able to download all the existing files instead you should recreate it.
Setup new (same) email addresses
You should ensure about all emails receiving and sending and you should not change the email address.
DNS changes and propagation: Once you upload all the web files, in the next step you can create and setup the DNS changes. The new DNS updation will take 24-48 hours, until then old system will take care of all the emails. This is the reason behind the cancelling of old web host and it should be last stage in changing web hosting services.
Cancel your Old account
Once the new account is activated, emails are up and running, the final stage is to delete the old account. Because once the new account is perfect and going smooth then there is no need to pay for the one which we don’t need. Also you must be very clear and satisfied with the new hosting. If you are satisfied and feeling comfortable then you can delete the old account.