Domain, Sub-Domain and Addon Domain

Difference Between Domain, Sub-Domain, Addon-Domain

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Domain, Sub-Domain and Addon Domain

For every user, the domain name acts as the keyword to remember the websites or access it. We all know the purpose of the domain name and why it is used. The domains are majorly divided into two categories. They are:

  • Sub-Domains
  • Addon-Domains

So, let’s see what is domain & how it is different from sub domain and addon domain.



Every website has a Unique or dedicated IP address, which helps the computer to locate the website in the server. But, the IP address will be hard to remember by a person. So, the domain name came into existence which is used to identify the website. Every website has a URL (Uniform Resource Locator), acts as the address of the website.

For example, let’s take a domain Here, the ‘SeekaHost’ acts as the domain name also known as the ‘Primary Domain’. Whereas, the .com acts as the TLD (aka) Top-Level Domains. Some of the Top-Level Domains (TLD) are .com, .in, .org etc.,

When you access the website –, then the URL of this site will be like The www acts as the ‘Sub-Domain’ or ‘Third Level TLD’.




Now, you could have understood what is meant by domain and URL. Let’s dive into the two major categories of the domains.

Also Read: SEO Best Practices for Domain Names



Sub-Domains are the domains, which are similar to the domain names. But, these kinds of domains is pointed to the main folder of the primary website. Sub-Domains are a part of the primary domains.

For example, let’s take Here the primary domain name is Google. If you want to access Google Maps, the structure of the domain will be as Instead of www, the maps act as the sub domain.

The advantage of having a sub-domain is that it will be part of the primary website and you can have separate content apart from having content for primary domain.

Also Read: Create-subdomain-in-cPanel



Addon-Domains is also a kind of domain, which is different from the primary domain. The addon domains are hosted under the same cPanel along with the primary domain.

The advantage of the addon-domains is the user doesn’t know that these domains are a part of the primary website when they access it.

They are pointed to its own folder and acts as an individual & unique website and only share the resources with main domain.

Also Read: Create-addon-domain-in-cPanel


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