How to buy and sell domains with SeekaHost including domains auction
If you are looking to learn how to buy and sell domains or even register domains, build a website and create authority, this is the guide.
I have bought thousands of expired domains for SEO services back in the days when I was doing local SEO consultancy in London. I was one of the first few guys who used expired domains to create PBN sites and use them for content publishing for SEO advantages. Still at my agency, ClickDo we own and manage private blogs that are used for content marketing services.
You can learn about buying expired domains in this guide. It’s a detailed guide that explains everything about what is an expired domains and how to buy them.
Looking for free expired domains, then check here. At SeekaHost, we find and list the best expired domains for free, so you can register the domain names. There is a team of expert domain hunters who search for daily dropped domains and they check each domain manually using several tools and after list them on the page.
First let’s look at:
How to buy domain names with SeekaHost?
You can visit the page https://www.seekahost.com/register-domain/ or do a domain name availability check on this page > https://www.seekahost.app/domain-name-search/
See the steps below on how to buy a domain name step by step.
Read the guide > https://www.seekahost.com/how-to-register-a-domain-name/ to learn how to register a domain name on www.seekahost.com easily.
If you are using www.seekahost.app then below steps will explain you how to get your domains.
Please note that it’s just a different function and two platforms but all your domains will be under SeekaHost management an secured. Whatever platform you like you can use it accordingly.
Steps to Register a domain name at SeekaHost.app:
- Visit SeekaHost.app.
- In the search box, enter your preferred domain name. Or enter a keyword and the system will show you related domain names with different extensions and prices.
- Click on Search and in seconds you will get the domain search result in front of your computer screen. If the domain you were looking for is available, add it to the cart so nobody else takes it.
- The system will now ask you to create a new account at SeekaHost.app with your email address. Click on Sign up, enter your email address, and your name, and set a password.
- Once registered, you can now log into the SeekaHost domain manager control panel.
- After you are logged in to the SeekaPanel, you can see your domain name with the cost associated with it. If you are satisfied, you can proceed with the checkout. You can also add extra features like Privacy protection at an extra cost.
- Click on Next and fill in your address details.
- Now choose the payment method. You are allowed to choose either PayPal or a credit card.
- Click on Order Now and the domain is yours. You will get your domain purchase confirmation with an invoice in your email.
Now you got the domain name so next let’s look at how to action your domains via SeekaHost domain action services.
Visit the Domain Auction Site: Buy & Sell your Domain Names Online | SeekaHost™ to see some domains listed.
You can create a account at SeekaHost.com and start listing your domains for sales. It’s easy to do and you can get support via live chat as well as by requesting a call back on setting up your domain names sales/auctioning on SeekaHost.
Recently we brought up the domain expiration checker tool and you can search for any domain name and know exactly when it will expire. This is good if you are planning to grab dropped domains and or any domain name that’s missed to renew.