Important Web Hosting Terms You Must Know
There are lots and lots of web hosting terms which are used in computer jargons. Here, we have shortlisted few which will be very useful for beginners. Let’s see in detail.
Web Host:
Nowadays Broadcasting is not a difficult task, Seekahost provides easier way of broadcasting their websites over the internet. This provides all necessary software and servers which helps client to allocate space in servers so that they can store in numerous website files. Web hosting also undergoes various performances such as maintenance, optimisation, emailing, backups and many more.
How webpages are displayed with respect to people’s search? The answer lies within the question that is because of server. It does by using HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). When you search something in the internet, HTTP directs to the server, where the contents are stored in website files.
Linux Server:
Linux server runs on the Linux operating system software which compatible for all websites. Most websites will run on Linux OS.
Windows Server:
Windows server runs on the Windows Operating system. If some websites needs features of windows to be used in site, they can go for this OS. Compared to Linux, its cost is huge.
Shared Hosting:
EX: CPU, memory, bandwidth.
These are called shared hosting because many different user accounts are hosted on the hard drive of one physical server and they share all the resources of that server. These hosting are affordable and can be used for small websites and blogs.
VPS hosting:
Virtual private Server is a separate physical server which can form many private virtual servers. However, these are connected to the hardware but can be accessed privately. You can install apps and do more activities.
Dedicated Server Hosting:
These are bit expensive but applicable for big business and busy websites. You can purchase and run the entire server for your own purpose. You can install any kind of apps. It occupies large space and you can have customised hardware.
Cloud Hosting:
Here you can run your websites in cloud. This is mainly applicable for big business and busy websites where traffics will be higher. Cloud servers are affordable because price may go up or down according to the resources. It is accessed with set of physical servers and not by separate physical or virtual network.
Domain name:
Domain name is the combination of actual name and extension. Actual name, you can use any name virtually but there are some exceptions. As for extensions, there is now a wide range to choose from. These are used to help categorise your website. For example, .com refers to a commercial business, .org is used by non-profit organisations, .edu is for education establishments, .co.uk is used by UK businesses, etc. You should choose the one that is most appropriate for your website.
It is web address. It stands for Uniform Resource Locator. What you click on or type in search engine to open a webpage from the server is URL. Every page, post, image and everything in network has URL. Ex: https://www.seekahost.com is our company web address.
Internet Protocol:
In addition to URL, websites have IP(Internet Protocol). This is unique number. URL can’t be understood by computer but, IP address can be read by computer. EX:
DNS is the abbreviation for ‘domain name servers’. DNS is the link between the URL and the IP address. When you click on or type in a URL, the DNS finds the server that hosts the website you are searching for so it can be displayed in your browser.