Behind the Domain: Lora Tsankova (www.coachloratsankova.com)
At SeekaHost we are lucky to associate amazing people and some of them are passionate entrepreneurs who are doing great work.
We help people get online with domain name registration and web hosting services. And we provide the online marketing courses to help anyone learn the vital skills to succeed online.
We are on a mission to get 100 million people and providing domain names is the starting point for anyone to get online.
We have helped thousands of people get online with a great domain name and host with world-class web hosting services. So, we thought it would great to share some of their stories about how they first got online and what decision they made when finding their first domain name and host.
We believe this can help anyone who is considering getting online with a website or blog to start after reading this post.
Let’s look at how Lora Tsankova first got online and how share started her website www.coachloratsankova.com and then why she got www.loratsankova.com at SeekaHost.
Hi Lora! Can you please, introduce yourself:
Hi Fernando,
Thank you for the chance to share more about my life mission and passion to empower as many people as I can to evolve into their highest selves. I am a curious, hard-working and passionate person who always seeks for the next edge and possibility to contribute more, learn more and become more myself.
Why did you decide to start this career?
I have always felt that I have a mission to devote my life to working with people and their challenges. Long-time ago when I first understood this there was no career path defined as coaching/ consulting and the field of entrepreneurs empowering others via creating impactful services. Most of the people were studying for a great degree and then starting the rat race of 9 to 5 in different corporations.
How did you know you need a website?
I wanted to share my valuable advice and my truth with people based all over the world and not limit my impact to only people who know me personally or specific countries where I am currently based. I found my website my digital home a very extensive and meaningful business card that contains real information.
How did you come across your domain name and what made you choose it?
I wanted to make sure that I let my tribe and audience know what my life mission is before even looking for the first time on my home page. So that is how I created the idea that I want to coach (a person who empowers others to transform and evolve themselves first place plus their impactful businesses plus my name). Then I checked the domain name I wanted was free and I grabbed it. So my story is mainly about my inner vision and the choice I consciously made. The rest was just luck that the exact domain name I wanted was free so I could buy it straight away.
What’s your thoughts about having a website?
I believe it’s important for everyone who is doing something small or large to be able to share their story, inspiration and message with the world. I am so inspired to live in a time where I can work, partner and communicate with people based all over the world without even having to travel outside the city. The future is online and the possibilities to achieve limitless results are due to the Internet. The opportunities to connect and partner with people that otherwise you would never meet in person due to location differences create endless choices.
Is your website helping you get clients?
My website is helping me to share my story, to share impactful and valuable advice with everyone looking for a chance to evolve right now and to create impactful conversations that make it worth working and partnering with my clients.
Why did you register www.loratsankova.com?
Because of my inspiring and big vision for my life and the opportunities I want to create for my tribe. I bought a ticket for the future now. As well I believe sometimes making the first step is scary, because people are not sure what is going to come next. I definitely believe that it is better to jump and fall as opposed to sit back and do nothing. Failure is much more valuable as opposed to the comfort zone.
What’s your plans for www.loratsankova.com?
It’s a secret. The future will present it.
Do you think everyone should get their personal domain name?
Yes for sure. It’s a ticket for the future.
Final words from you for SeekaHosters
Never stop dreaming and actually turning your wild, crazy, too big dreams into goals with step by step action plans how to create them. The only people who say this is too difficult, too painful and impossible are the ones who are not ready to walk the walk as opposed to only simply talk the talk.