Simple Ways to Monetize Your Website & Earn Revenue
Most of the people were starting their career as a Bloggers to make their blog very famous to generate more traffic and to make money through that. Finally, those people were disappeared without knowing what to do and how to make money with their blogs. If you don’t have blogs yet then learn How to Start a Blog. Here are the simple ways to Monetize your high traffic website and to Earn Revenue from that.
Google AdSense
Google AdSense is a program run by Google, using which the publishers in Google Network of Content sites were allowed to serve the automatic text or image advertisement targeted to the particular audience. For example, if you have an educational website, then exam or book related ads will be displayed on your website. The process involved in these activities are,
- You will place the HTML codes on your website where you want to allow Google to display the ads. Also, the AdSense Policies will allow up to 3 Ad Blocks on each web page.
- Advertisements will be based on the content present on your webpage and also it is completely dynamic.
- Through these Ads, Google will bill the advertiser and it will be directly paid to you for making that particular ad visible on your website.
This is how Google Adsense functions and brings you the Revenue through Advertisements.
Infolinks is an Advertising Platform which pays you every time when people click on your ads. This is different from the Google Adsense. In Infolinks, the ads will appear based on the keywords on your webpage. It will analyse your webpage and will choose the most valuable keywords in the content and will double underline those words. When the visitors hovers his or her mouse pointer over it then it will show the advertisement related to that particular keyword.
In Infolinks, you can customize the ad frequency and colour to make it look like some natural links. So this type of advertisement programs will help a lot for the bloggers with regular followers and visitors.