Password Protection For Directory in cPanel

How to do Password Protection for Directory in cPanel?

We know that there are various features are available in cPanel. In this article, we are going to know a feature called ‘Directory Protection’ in cPanel. This directory protection feature allows the user to protect the directory with a username and password.  Below mentioned are the steps to create password protection for the directory in cPanel.


Configure Password for Directory in cPanel:

STEP 1: Directory Privacy

Type ‘Directory Privacy’ in the search box and click on it.

Directory Privacy in cPanel


STEP 2: Navigating Through Directories

Open the directory privacy configuration and navigate through the directories in which you want to protect. You can simply click on the ‘icon’ to open the directory folder. Click on the name to select the ‘folder’.

Directory Privacy - Select Folder


STEP 3: Edit the Directory

Click “Edit” action near the directory which you want to protect to configure the password for the directory.

Edit Directory - Configure Password


STEP 4: Password Protection for Directory

click the checkbox ‘Password protect for this directory’ and enter a name for the protected directory. Click ‘Save

Click Checkbox to create user password


STEP 5: User Creation for Directory

Under ‘Create User’ menu, enter the username and password to create a new user, click ‘Save‘.

Create User - Directory Privacy


STEP 6: Authorized Users

To see the added users, you can see the username under the section “Authorized Users“. You can also create more than one user here.