10 Private Blog Network Hosting Strategies to Host Your PBNs for Best SEO Boost!

By John
Private Blog Network Hosting is a highly discussed topic on the internet. Albeit, the PBN SEO community looks for what’s the best PBN SEO Hosting but ignores how to host a PBN in the right way to get the best SEO power.
PBN Hosting can make or break your SEO efforts, therefore, it mustn’t be left in the hands of learners!
That’s why we recommend that you take some seconds to read through this guide on PBN domain tips to make sure you’re abreast on the best PBN domain solutions.
A PBN (Private Blog Network) is a group of blogs owned by an individual and used primarily as a source of backlinks to a money site (main website). Now, these backlinks that connect to a “money site” which is the site whose ranking you want to improve, need to stay off footprints.
That is, considering that PBNs are banned by Google and your site is likely to get banned on noticing any such activity, therefore, it requires a subtle tactic and approach with a significant amount of work.
This expansive guide will provide to you the best PBN hosting tips to help conceal the trails and footprint from search engines like Google.
When it comes to hosting your PBNs, the worst thing you’ll wish is Google to deindex your domains so that your main website and PBN loses all its ranking power. Hence, you need to follow the below 10 Strategies to Host Your Private Blog Networks for Best SEO!
10 Strategies to Host Your Private Blog Networks for Best SEO
The 10 strategies listed in this guide will give you the best PBN hosting tactics to get the most from your SEO efforts.
Strategy #1: Registering Your Domain
For private blog networks (PBN), registering domains is not as simple as just visiting a domain registrar and purchasing your choice domain.
As you are required to consider your digital footprints which can be tracked, and such activity is easily detected, it is best to register the different domains on your network with at SeekaHost.
You can find some free expired domains lists on the site.
Strategy #2: Unique IP Addresses
PBNs should run on multiple unique IP addresses, including A, B or C and failure to do this will mean that extra ranking power won’t be passed to the money site and there will be an issue of accumulated risks of deindexation.
While the most used and available IP Class, remains the C Class hosting which is popular among the SEO players in the market and you can buy Class C IP Hosting packages from SeekaHost on tow setups: a manually assigned IPs and cPanels for your PBNs and the other is easy host for your PBNs, and personal blogs via the SeekaHost.app web application.
Strategy #3: Unique SOA Email Addresses
Multiple IP addresses and different nameservers are great, but when all the domains also share the same SOA email address, it will leak the fact that the domains are related to Google.
SOA (Start of authority) serves as a public record that relate routing protocols to your domain name. Therefore, you can easily check the records associated with any domains. Similar to nameservers, your domains for PBN must not share SOA records.
Strategy #4: Unique Nameservers
Similar to SOA records, when the nameservers are the same even though the domains have different IPs, Google will be suspicious of the association between the domains.
Therefore, you should avoid having an extremely large number of domains on the same nameserver, although it is not an issue for your domains to share nameservers if they’re those of known hosting companies, but nevertheless one.
Strategy #5: Spammy Hosts or IP Addresses
Search engines like Google are targeting hosts or IP addresses that are seen to have high density of spam sites, and many of the popular PBN hosting companies contain a large amount of deindexed domains.
While the percentage of deindexed domains on any given IP address could relate to the possibility of the other domains to get deindexed as well.
Strategy #6: Content for PBNs
You must make an effort to create original content for your PBNs as would do for your main site, though writing original content may be hard, but on the long run it will be effective in ranking your money site.
As having spun content or identical content on each blog will surely raise a red flag and you’ll most likely be detected as a result.
Strategy #7: Avoid Cheap Hosts
Getting a reputable Host to handle your PBNs does not have to be cheap, especially when the client wants multiple unique IP addresses, custom nameservers and unique SOA email addresses.
The major reason to stay of cheap hosts for your PBNs, are the problems of lack of support, too much downtime and the possible collapse of business.
Strategy #8: Shared Hosting Only from Reputable Providers
There is an increase in PBN, with multiple domains which can be hosted on the same host provided the domains directs to different clients or money sites, leading to reduction in costs.
This strategy, however, lacks central management point and also the solution are custom tailored. SeekaHost guarantees no downtime with high secured servers and responsive support systems.
Strategy #9: Go for Hosts with Easy to use Management system
Running PBNs is a huge challenge, as managing the platform is a big task, so it’s best to use providers with easy to use management systems.
And avoid hosting your PBN domains on a single hosting plan, rather use different hosting providers if possible, because you’re likely to be detected if the entire network is on one platform.
Strategy #10: Go for Hosts with PBN expertise and knowledge
PBN building requires expertise and knowledge, therefore having a great hosting company with such expertise is a no-brainer.
SeekaHost is your best choice to grow your PBN for the best SEO advantage, providing 24/7 technical support and expertise to handle all your queries about PBN hosting.
SeekaHost offers Multiple Class C IPs for PBN hosting and ensures all the causes of footprints are effectively covered. With the Private Blog Networks hosting service personally tested by SeekaHost’s CEO, Fernando Raymond himself for over 5 years before finally opening it to the market.
You can check out the SeekaHost.org which provides best blog hosting services with multiple unique Class C IPs for all your private blog network hosting needs!
And if perhaps, you want to go for the pro level IPs like A-class IP Hosting and B Class IP Hosting, SeekHost also got the very best services.