How to build your PBNs footprint less for SEO advantages?
Are you looking to learn the tips on how to build your PBNs footprint less for SEO advantages? Then you are on the right web page.
What we say is to build blogs to add value to the web readers. Then SEO boosts!
Thinks about your private blogs like public blogs and build great blogs that people want to read. Look at the UK business blog and that’s the standard we recommend you build your blogs. how about you build your blogs like > https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/blogs/ ? – I know that’s tough work but that’s how you build blogs that move mountains on Google.
Now let’s get into how to build your PBNs footprint less for SEO advantages….
PBN (an abbreviation for Private Blogging Network) can be considered as a link building strategy. It’s a pool of numerous websites holding high authority along with good referring domains that being framed for taking backlink to your very own website.
Bloggers and Marketers create a PBN with the man motto of getting ranked highest in Google search results. Mostly, websites within PBN are not linked since this leads to so-called ‘footprint’ in Google’s vision.
The PBN website ensures to traverse link benefit directly to the revenue generating website (money website). Hence these links directing towards your money website should appear very obvious else you can be penalized by Google.
Now how effectively PBN works to uplift the ranking of your websites can be a dependable question. Like for instance links falling under the authority and timely updated sites beneath a similar niche have great chances of working. But on the other hand, unrelated links won’t solve this purpose.
Building websites without leaving any Footprints
Thumb rule is to consider and make every PBN website of your appeal as a primary domain. Moreover, keep the following checklist while creating every website:
- Unique Theme
Work upon different themes for different websites. And what best than exploring WordPress to achieve the same. Do add some genuine content and pages rather than merely hushing towards creating backlinks.
- Custom Logo
A logo is like your website badge. Try to create a new one for all your domains. Hire a logo designer or the creative ones can create using Canva.
- Unique Content
Now, this is hard work. Keep the contents of your blogs different to avoid footprints. Keep them posting at a certain day interval rather than flushing it at once back to back. Of course one can also opt out for restoring the content from expired domains. But do check for plagiarism!
- Build Backlinks
Avoid interlinking PBN websites if you have a small network within the PBN network. Though you can quiet high raise in SERP at the same time it does invite getting detected and caught by Google. However, if you PBNs are built like real websites with authentic blogs that’s fine.
- Build Basic Pages
There are some basic pages that your site must possess. Like for instance
About Page – with up to 400-500 words. Alter the title to ‘Know Us, ‘about who we are’ etc…
Contact Page – this should be near to 200 words with some contact details and images to show little authenticity. And other pages like Privacy Policy Page, Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer and few more if you can
- Unique IP Address
This is the very basic concept to build the PBN without leaving a footprint. If all your blogs were under the same IP Address then it’s a clue that everything may belong to the same person. So if you are allocating Unique IP Address for the blogs under your network, then it will show some difference for the bot.
- Private NameServer
When it comes to NameServer hosting provider used to mention their brand name which will be the same for all the websites hosted under that server. As it will be the same for all the websites under the same hosting, it is not a recommended action and so we provide private nameserver configuration. In private nameserver, the nameserver details will have your domain name & it will vary for each domain.
For example: If your domain name is abc.com then your private nameserver will be ns1.abc.com & ns2.abc.com. In this case, it will vary for each domain & it will never expose the details of the hosting provider.
- Different Location
This is an optional requirement to show more variation when you have 100+ domains under your PBN Network. If the IP’s allocated to your websites belongs to the same location then it may act as a footprint. If you have 100+ domains under your PBN Network then you can choose a PBN Hosting provider like SeekaHost who can show variation in IP Location and the Server.
Key advice would be to build only a few PBN sites and cater to them. This makes your blog management much easier. Once traffic increases, new PBN’s can be created at any point in time. Grow the PBN links and scale your network for hundreds of thousands of blogs as most of the SEO agencies doing it.
You can read more about how to build a PBN at https://pbnguru.com/how-build-private-blog-network/ written by Praneet Thakur
(Note: to avoid competitors, hide them by the means of blocking crawler.)
Well, the good news is that a good PBN hosting takes cares of all of the above checklist that depends on the hosting provider and avoids any footprints. Check out PBN Hosting @ SeekaHost to get hassle-free building of your PBN.